Wednesday 17 June 2009

General elections and ID cards: clouds and silver linings

This blogger is not a Tory voter nor a member of the Tory party. However, it seems that there will be one positive outcome when the near inevitable capitulation of the Labour party at the next general election arrives, and the Tory party (sadly) comes into power: the authoritarian, Kafka-esque ID card lunacy will be scrapped.

The BBC reports that shadow home secretary Chris Grayling has written to the firms bidding for the contract to supply the cards, warning them that any incoming Tory government will definitely scrap the cards.

Every cloud has a silver lining indeed.

ps. Let's just hope that the current Labour administration doesn't build in large penalty clauses to any contract which is signed in order to stifle any future attempt to ditch the scheme.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

A response to UKIP and various assorted Eurosceptics

A brilliant post regarding the percentage of UK laws which stem from Europe, thorougly debunking the all too prevalent and easily-believed myth that the figure is either 84/75%, can be found here.